Saturday, September 12, 2009

Making the News

Making the News

What makes a good media release and how do you engage the media with your story idea? How do you pitch stories to the media, especially hard-nosed news hounds who can sniff out a 'puff piece' a mile away?
The media receives literally hundreds of media releases a day, many which are instantly disregarded. Why? A number of factors contribute to the demise of a media release, one key aspect however that contributes to a well written and published releases is the writers ability to be media savvy, that is identify the aspects an editor is looking for when selecting the day’s news.
In an in-depth interview with a veteran news editor and journalist I posed the question “ What makes a good media release?” Here are his 7 tips in identifying a good release;
1. One that makes sense.
An obvious point but one often overlooked in the pressure to put out a media
2. Appeals to a wide range of people.
3. Does not have an obvious 'spin'
4. For radio - it must be something that will engender talkback and discussion.
5. For newspapers - it must be important, newsy and interesting
6. Deliver it via email.

Reas Also:

* Journalist at Work

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